How To Overwinter Canna Lilies & Properly Store The Bulbs

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How To Overwinter Cannas & Store The Bulbs
How To Overwinter Cannas & Store The Bulbs
How To Overwinter Cannas & Store The Bulbs

Overwinter canna lilies is easy and valuable the endeavour to save these gorgeous hot plants. In this post, I'll discuss three possible methods, show you how to grasp up and salt away the bulbs, and give you tons of winter care and replanting tips too.

Overwintering & Storing Canna Lily Bulbs - The Complete Guide

Saving canna bulbs over winter isn't difficult, and it's a great way to keep yourself just about cash every spring. If you want to learn how to keep your favorites class after year, this is for you.

I don't know about you, only after observance them thrive all summertime, it's very demanding to see the flowers and foliage slow die down once cold weather condition arrives in the fall behind.

The good word is that information technology is possible to overwinter canna lilies none matter where you reverberant, or how cold it gets after-school.

Below I share all my incomparable tips on wintering cannas three different ways, so you hindquarters take the one that works best for you and your climate.

Here's what you'll find in this detailed guide…

Testament Canna Lilies Survive Overwinter?

Even if you live in a cold climate like I do here in MN, canna lilies bequeath survive for years to follow as long as you overwinter them properly.

Many another types sold at the garden center Eastern Samoa annuals are actually tender perennials that are hardy in zones 8 and supra.

If the ground never freezes where you live, you can leave of absence them in the garden. But the rest of us must dig up up the bulbs (sometimes known as tubers, but technically they're rhizomes), and bring together them indoors for winter.

Related Post: How To Overwinter Plants: The Complete Guide

Canna lilies killed by hard freeze in the fall

Canna lilies killed by toilsome freeze in the fall

3 Methods Of Overwintering Canna Bulbs

In that location are three three-needled ways to overwinter canna lily bulbs. Here's a quick list of your options, which I'll describe in more than more item below.

  1. Leave canna lilies in the primer
  2. Overwinter cannas in pots
  3. Dig up and entrepot canna bulbs for winter
Clump of canna lily bulbs I dug up before winter

Clump of canna lily bulbs I dug up ahead winter

How To Overwinter Canna Lily Bulbs

Choosing the optimum method acting for overwintering canna lilies depends on where you live and how you planted them.

1. Leaving Canna Lilies In The Ground

Anyone who lives in the warmer zones of 8+ can get out their canna bulbs in the ground over winter, as long as the soil doesn't freeze.

If you live on the ice chest side of their hardiness zone, you can mulch them to give them extra warmth. This added protection will assistance them survive short cold spells.

Keep in mind that freezing temps bequeath kill the leafage. So if that happens, just cut it punt to the establish, and the rhizomes testament regrow once information technology gets warmer in the spring.

2. Overwintering Cannas In Pots

If your cannas are in a pot, there's no need to pull them verboten, you can overwinter them right in the container.

The easiest way to do this is to let them go dormant. Cool fall temps naturally trigger dormancy, so leave them outside until frost vote out the leafage.

Once that happens, trim them back to the bemire level, and affect the container inside before it gets on a lower floor freezing.

3. Dig & Storing Canna Bulbs For Winter

By far the just about fashionable method of overwintering canna lilies is to archeological site high and store the bulbs. This is a must if they are planted in the garden.

The nice thing about information technology is that there's No speed to dig them up. You tin impart them in the ground even out after a hard freeze kills the plant. A long as you cabbage them before the ground freezes, they will outlast.

Digging up canna bulbs to overwinter indoors

Excavation up canna bulbs to overwinter inside

Preparing Canna Lilies For Winter Entrepot

If your canna lilies are in the priming coat, then you'll need to dig ahead the rhizomes and store them for winter. Don't worry, it's non difficult. Observe these tips to the right way lift them and prepare them for storage.

When To Excavate Canna Lily Bulbs

The best time to labour up canna lily bulbs is after the cold has killed the foliage in the fall. Freezing temps trigger dormancy, which is what we need in grade to successfully store them.

You'll own mess of time to dig them raised, so you don't have to rush. Equally tall as you get them out before the ground freezes or the snow flies, they'll be fine.

How To Dig Up Canna Bulbs For Wintertime

Before digging them up, unsexed the leafage back to the ground, or depart 2-3" of the stem intact to use as a handle when you pull them out.

I find IT easier to use a garden fork to lift them because there's to a lesser extent soil enclosed, simply a nigr shovel works too.

Start digging at to the lowest degree a foot away from where the stems are thrusting out of the ground, so you don't accidentally cut or scathe the bulbs.

When you have the clump wholly out, use your work force to gently shake or light touch forth the largest clumps of soil.

Cleaning the dirt off my canna bulbs before storing

Cleaning the dirt off my canna bulbs before storing

How To Cure Canna Bulbs Before Storing

It's in-chief to cure (dry) canna bulbs before you overwinter them to prevent rot and regulate. Remove the remaining foliage and stems beforehand. Then set them call at a warm, nonsweet target for a week approximately.

I propagate mine out connected newspaper on the base operating room a shelf in my garage or basement, and space them so they aren't touching each other.

Healthy canna bulb curing before storing for winter

Healthy canna light bulb curing earlier storing for overwinter

How To Store Canna Bulbs For Winter

Therein subdivision, I'll show you how to properly pile and store canna bulbs for the overwinter. You can skip the divide about packing them if yours are in a tummy.

Packing Canna Lily Bulbs For Storage

Though around mass have winner honourable wrapping the rhizomes in paper, I let trouble with the smaller ones drying out too much.

So I prefer to pack them in a unlifelike box filled with peat moss operating theatre coco coir. Other intellectual materials you could use include pet bedding, sawdust, or a mix of perlite and vermiculite.

Place item-by-item bulbs Oregon clumps into the box so they aren't touching for each one other, so stand in just about them with the packing spiritualist. If it's big enough, you can put several layers into one box.

If you don't have a cardboard loge, you could use a similar storage container. But get into't use something made out of plastic, Oregon it could cause mold or rot.

Where To Store Canna Bulbs Over Winter

The top place to store canna bulbs for winter is in a cool, dry set back where it stays preceding freezing. A basement, cellar, or het up garage are whol phenomenal choices.

Ideally the temperature rate should stay between 40-60° F. If it gets too lovesome, they could start to sprout prematurely or molder. Learn more about storing bulbs here.

Packing canna bulbs for winter storage

Packing canna bulbs for winter storage

Canna Lily Winter Care Tips

Check on your canna lily bulbs monthly during winter storage to make certainly they aren't rotting, molding, or drying kayoed too much.

Polish of any that are rotting or have mold on them immediately so it doesn't spread to the others.

If they'Ra getting too dry, then lightly spritz them with water to keep down them hydrous. Simply don't wet them down too much.

Replanting Canna Bulbs After Overwintering

Now that you make love how to winter canna lilies, hither are some tips that will aid you successfully replant them in the spring.

When To Embed Canna Lily Bulbs

You can safely replant your overwintered canna bulbs outside in the spring after complete chance of frost has passed.

As long as the soil temperature is above 60° F, you stern put them back in the ground. Function a soil thermometer to check it.

If you unbroken them in the stool, you can move them dorsum outer erstwhile the air temperature stays above freezing.

How To Prepare Canna generalis Bulbs For Planting

There's nothing peculiar you postulate to do to organise canna lily bulbs for planting. Simply, if you wishing to try to break their dormancy faster, you can soak them in warm water for 12-24 hours advance.

I wish to use of goods and services a compost tea resolution for soaking mine to give them an special boost, but this step is completely nonobligatory.

Opening Canna Bulbs Indoors

Another choice for getting them to wake up faster is to lead off the bulbs indoors 4-6 weeks before your average last frost day of the month.

Plant them into deep-water containers using a general purpose potting bemire, water them well, and place them in a sunny window or under artificial light.

Related Post: Growing Canna Lilies In Your Garden (The Complete Care Guide)

Individual canna lily bulb ready to cure

Individual canna lily lightbulb ready to cure

FAQs Roughly Overwintering Canna Lilies

Here are some questions mass often call for about overwintering canna lilies. If you can't come up an solution Hera, ask yours in the comments to a lower place.

Can canna lilies grow indoors terminated winter?

While it is possible for canna lilies to grow indoors over overwinter, it's very nasty to keep them alive. They require a lot of light, and are extremely susceptible to bugs. Managing the utopian symmetry of water, moisture, and sun inside the star sign can be a huge challenge.

Do you take to excavate canna bulbs in the fall?

You experience to dig up canna bulbs in the fall if you live in a common cold mood where the ground freezes. Otherwise, you don't need to lift them, you can leave them in the garden all wintertime.

Can buoy you winter cannas in pots?

Yes, you can overwinter cannas in pots. Make out the foliage back to the dirt level before moving them indoors. Stop watering, and keep them in a cool and dry location that doesn't flow below 40°F.

Fire you pull up stakes canna lilies in the ground over winter?

You can pull up stakes canna lilies in the ground over wintertime if the grease does't freeze where you live. If you are in geographical zone 7 Oregon lower, then it's too cold for them to exist outdoors.

How long seat you store canna bulbs?

You lavatory store canna bulbs for several months without any issues. Only for best results you should flora them every year, even if you don't irritate it until by and by in the summer. If you try storing them too pole-handled, eventually they will dry out and pass away.

How can you assure if canna bulbs are dead?

You can tell canna bulbs are breathless if they are completely dehydrated out operating theater decayed through. If you aren't sure, examine planting them. If they don't start to grow later about 2 months, then they are dead.

Since they are so easy to overwinter, you don't have to live in a tropical climate to enjoy canna lilies twelvemonth after year. Just follow these simple tips to extend their life and beauty for a years.


If you're tired of watching your plants conflict and die during the darkest, driest months of the year, then my Wintertime Houseplant Care eBook is exactly what you indigence. IT will show you how to keep indoor plants thriving all yr. Download your copy nowadays.

More About Overwintering Plants

  • How To Overwinter Plumeria (Frangipani) Plants Inside
  • How To Overwinter Hot Hibiscus Plants Indoors

Share your tips for overwintering canna lilies in the comments section below.

How To Overwinter Cannas & Store The Bulbs


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